Lessons for the Intern

So I’ll be the first to admit that I’m unprepared when it comes to the actual tasks of this internship. However, there are some things I am good at. One of them is Netflix and another is being professional. This is the category where I’ll talk about the latter because it’s generally more important for an internship than Netflix. I like  love dressing in business casual and wearing heels…. sorry I needed to take a deep breath I got too excited. I’m from Georgia so naturally I say yes ma’am and no sir and was forced to go to cotillion to learn not to cross my legs in public, dance and eat soup (you move your spoon away from yourself as you gather soup in it). I’m a southern belle when I need to be and at all other times… well you read the Netflix bit right?


Let’s Learn Together

This week, I start an internship at an after school program for  Kindergarten-5th grade children from violent backgrounds. I volunteered with this organization before and was blown away by the kids. One second they’re kicking a chair and the next they run to you for a hug. My job last year was to help the director teach “peace lessons” which consisted of learning appropriate social skills and helping the kids with their homework. This year I’ll be making my own lesson plans and then teaching them. So yeah I’m terrified.

What make me qualified to teach these children? What teaching experience do I have? Well… Umm… those are great questions for which I do not have a good answer. I’m a Hearing and Speech Science student at the University of Maryland and I’m aiming at being a speech pathologist when I grow up. The only time I’ve taught before was as a coach for a day care p.e. business. So if my internship included teaching 4 year olds lacrosse skills, I GOT DIS. But, it isn’t…

So I’m not at all sure what I’ll be learning in the next 14 weeks, but if I manage to find some readers then at least I won’t be learning alone!